Digital marketing and media thought leader, writer of The Social Brand and former Head of Marketing at Red Bull, Huib was named one of the top 100 most influential marketers of 2015. His career kicked o at Unilever before moving to MTV where he developed one of the world’s first social networks. At Red Bull he played a key part in the transition from energy drink business to the respected media player it is today.
In just ten years, the everyday landscape has changed fundamentally and with it the way people interact with each other and with brands. Social media have emerged from their infancy – but when it comes to brands and businesses have we fundamentally changed our behavior?
In today’s hyper-connected marketplace, it’s not about being ON social media, it’s about BEING social. But how to cut through the endless advertising clutter and avoid the fast-growing ad-blocking trend? A key factor: giving people the ability to truly appreciate your brand’s message, making them WANT to listen.
The Brand Bank Account – a tool developed by Huib van Bockel – enables brands to discover their many di erent possibilities, to give value to people, so they make deposits instead of constant withdrawals.
During the seminar Huib explains the simple four-step process that enables your brand to give something of value to the customer and gives your message the power to cut through the clutter and – crucially – to deliver the Holy Grail of marketing: customer loyalty.