Christopher Kutarna is co-author of Age of Discovery: Navigating the Risks and Rewards of Our New Renaissance, a bestselling, internationally acclaimed book published by Bloomsbury and St Martin’s Press. He has been a Governor General’s Medallist twice and a Commonwealth Scholar, and is now a fellow of the Oxford Martin School with a doctorate in politics from the University of Oxford. Previously, Chris was a consultant with the Boston ConsultingGroup in New Zealand, Australia and China.
Genius is flourishing – and so is risk. The first Renaissance confronted leaders with a stark choice between two strategic attitudes: wait-and- see, or audacity. Hesitate until the chaos of the age settled into some new order – or be liberated from conventional caution by existential threats and historic possibilities.
And today, we face the same stark choice. The vast majority of today’s corporations have dropped anchor rather than brave the biggest storm in living memory. Instead of investing, companies hoard cash and buy back their own shares. In this unique masterclass, Chris will help you assess your readiness for the second Renaissance.